TrafficNav Ltd. is a private limited company, registered in Hungary. The company is owned by private equity investors (Phoenix Investment) as well as by founders actively managing the company. TrafficNav’s main activity is to collect real-time traffic data, process and deliver it to end users. Such processed data forms the basis of the TMC service in Hungary that TrafficNav is providing. The service has been operating since the 1st of August 2008.
TrafficNav Ltd. is a member of the Brussels-based TISA Forum that synchronizes the TMC suppliers’ activity and coordinates the industry standards. TrafficNav is also a member of the Hungarian TMC Research Consortium. TrafficNav started a TMC service in Slovenia in June 2009, and later the service was launched in the Irish Republic, Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey. TrafficNav services will be available soon in other countries as well.
years on global market
Partners are Working with Us
Cars standing in long lines of traffic put a strain on the environment due to a high level of exhaust emission in traffic jams. It is less than desireable, stressful. Not to mention the immediate economic impact on one’s mileage. TrafficNav’s vision is simple: we keep the traffic flowing, by delivering valuable real-time traffic information in order to enable motorists to avoid heavy traffic.
TrafficNav is committed to provide a continuosly broadening selection of high value Location Based Services to its partners with primary focus on real-time road traffic and location referencing.

Managing Director
Doctor of Economics, honorary university lecturer. Member of the Board of Directors and shareholder of Credicet Ltd. Co., Chairman of the Board of Directors of UgrinPack Ltd. Co., Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ViDaNet Ltd. Co. and GanzIp Ltd. Co.

Managing Director
Has economist degree and spent more than 10 years in the telecommunication sector in Germany and in CEE. He led several companies in the Deutsche Telekom group (Westel0660, IKO-Telekom Media Holding, Crnogorski Telekom). Currently he works for OXO investment group, investing in start-up and early stage projects. He is member of the management on behalf of the private equity fund of Phoenix Investment.